Conica Indoor

Conipur Retop

Flexiplay - Conica Conipur Retop

Renovation of indoor sports floorings

CONICA RETOP offers a cost-efficient and technically simple solution for the refurbishment of PUR coatings in sports halls. This CONICA technology is based on many years’ experience of a range of surface types in a variety of sports halls. It is individually applied and supervised by our technicians to ensure a perfect result.

A renovation can be carried out on polyurethane floors, as well as on prefabricated floor coverings such as linoleum or PVC without any problems.

In addition, retopping is an environmentally friendly solution because the existing sports floor is preserved, thus reducing disposal costs and waste. This has a positive influence on the lifecycle costs and still gives the athlete the desired performance of a new indoor sports floor.

CONICA has more than 25 years of experience in the sustainable rejuvenation of sports hall surfacing of all kinds.

For every substrate
CONIPUR RETOP adheres to both polyurethane floors and to prefabricated top layers such as linoleum or PVC.
Sustainable and cost-effective
The ecological solution: the original hall floor is retained – no disposal costs.
Flexiplay - Conica - Conipur Retop
Cost-effective upgrade
Retopping can be used for renovation, as well as for upgrading a hall for more demanding sports.
Many options
The high-quality PUR surface layer is available in many variants and colours.
Colour Chart

Get creative with custom EPDM Precision Blends for your Unique Project Needs

Flexiplay - Conica - Conipur Retop
For every substrate
CONIPUR RETOP adheres to both polyurethane floors and to prefabricated top layers such as linoleum or PVC.
Cost-effective upgrade
Retopping can be used for renovation, as well as for upgrading a hall for more demanding sports.
Sustainable and cost-effective
The ecological solution: the original hall floor is retained – no disposal costs.
Many options
The high-quality PUR surface layer is available in many variants and colours.

Colour Chart

Get creative with custom EPDM Precision Blends for your Unique Project Needs

Where to from here?

If you are interested in this amazing product, and would like more information, contact us.

Where to from here?

If you are interested in our amazing product, and would like more information, contact us.